Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Week Eight Oral Blog Entry 5 - Domestic News Headlines

I heard this story on Morning Report on Natioanl Radio on Monday April 30th.
Make sure you say where you heard about your story

' Well let's look at the front page........'
Make sure you put the actual words you heard in speech marks.

Here are three pronunciaiton features which I noticed.
consonant to vowel linking - example 1
weak forms - example 2, & 3

Use the links to the domestic or national newspapers on the Text Based Skills 2 Blog to find your article.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Week Nine Oral Blog Entry Six - Picture Comparison 2

Your pictures to compare and contrast are below.
You should be able to have both pictures open on your screen and place them side by side.
If you open the pictures using a right click and in the dialogue box click on 'open in new window ' the picture will appear in a new browser window. You can move the browser windows around on your screen by using a left click and holding down on your mouse on the blue edge of your browser window.

Don't forget to read the questions for your pictures.

Group A

Picture 1 Classroom 1
Picture 2 Classroom 2

Group B
Picture 1 Classroom 1
Picture 2 Classroom 2

GROUP A Questions
These two pictures show different classrooms. Compare and contrast the two different types of classroom and say which way of teaching you think is more effective.

GROUP B Questions
These two pictures show different classrooms. Compare and contrast the two different types of classroom and say how you think technology helps learning.

When you are ready go to your blog and post a written version of your comparison.
We would recommend that you do not put the pictures on your blog due to copyright restrictions but you can create a link to the pictures in your blog. To do this select words in your post where you would like to create the link, such as, 'this picture', 'the first picture' etc. Then
click on the green chain icon on your post tool bar and copy and paste the URL of the picture into the dialogue box.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Picture Comparison Practice

Group A
Globalisation - food & shopping
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in a supermarket and shoppng at a local market?
In which type of place would you prefer to do your weekly shopping?
Picture 1
Picture 2

Group B
Globalisation - urban & rural life
Can you tell us about the effects you think globalisation is having on rural life?
Which of these two places would you prefer to live in?
Picture 1
Picture 2

When you have compared your pictures with someone from the other group and also listened to your partner's picture comparison, go to your blog and write up your comparison of your two pictures. Although it is not easy to relate words and sentences to time you should aim for about 10 sentences of which the majority should contain 2 clauses or more.
Use the title 'Oral blog Entry Four - Picture comparison 1'

Friday, April 20, 2007

Oral blog Entry Four - Comparison of two pictures

Picture 1
Picture 2
Questions to help compare and contrast the two pictures
  • What kind of people do you think prefer to go to live music performances and what sort of people prefer to listen to recorded music?
  • Which do you prefer, listening to recorded music or going to live concerts?
  • Have you ever been to a performance similar to this?
Well both of these pictures are related to music. The first one is of a live rock concert and the second one is of a young woman who looks as if she is listening to a CD. I think that different types of people go to live concerts it's just that they go to different sorts of performances. For example young people probably like going to rock concerts such as this in the picture whereas older people may prefer to go to concerts where classical music is played such as operas or orchestras. Although I know a lot of older people went to see The Rolling Stones when they played here in Auckland last year.
I think most people like listening to CDs and mp3s and we all probably listen to different types of music depending on how we are feeling at the time. I like both going to live concerts and listening to CDs .
I've been to lots and lots of live concerts although they aren't usually rock concerts! I've even met a few famous people after some of the concerts, but of course I'm not telling you who! I've also been to a few music festivals where it generally rains and you end up walking around in rivers of mud.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Reith Lectures

Every year a series of lectures known as the Reith Lectures, which began in 1948, are broadcast on the BBC. You can find out why they were initiated and read a short history about them here.
In this modern era of technology it is now possible for you to not only listen to these lectures on your computer in your own time but to also download them from the internet. In addition you lucky, lucky learners transcripts of the lectures are also supplied so you can check those chunks you missed when you listened.
Here is a link to the BBC and this year's lectures by renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs, who outlines how we can face the changes and problems the 21st century presents us with.
You can download this year's lectures and save them to your computer to listen to again. You may need to navigate through a few pages to do this and you will need to follow the instructions on the BBC website about how to do this. But don't wait forever as the lectures are only available to download for a certain amout of time after they are first broadcast.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Oral Blog Entry - A Diploma Lecture 1

In week five as part of your 'Oral Blog Listening Portfolio' you are required to
post an entry on one of the Diploma lectures from this semester's series
  • In this entry you can choose which lecture to write about from weeks three, four and five.
  • Your blog entry should be published and submitted by Thursday 5th April.
  • If you complete your first draft in the Call session publish it on your blog and then print a copy of your entry from your blog and give it to your teacher. Your teacher will check your post for errors and return it to you so that you can edit and correct as many errors as you can before Thursday.
  • You should write a minimum of 125 words and a maximum of 175.
  • Include any questions which you had at the beginning of the lecture and which were answered during the lecture. Also include any questions you still have about anything you did not understand in the lecture
  • Include in your post any links to relevant web sites, articles in newspapers and magazines conected to the topic of the lecture.