Sunday, April 22, 2007

Picture Comparison Practice

Group A
Globalisation - food & shopping
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in a supermarket and shoppng at a local market?
In which type of place would you prefer to do your weekly shopping?
Picture 1
Picture 2

Group B
Globalisation - urban & rural life
Can you tell us about the effects you think globalisation is having on rural life?
Which of these two places would you prefer to live in?
Picture 1
Picture 2

When you have compared your pictures with someone from the other group and also listened to your partner's picture comparison, go to your blog and write up your comparison of your two pictures. Although it is not easy to relate words and sentences to time you should aim for about 10 sentences of which the majority should contain 2 clauses or more.
Use the title 'Oral blog Entry Four - Picture comparison 1'