Sunday, April 1, 2007

Oral Blog Entry - A Diploma Lecture 1

In week five as part of your 'Oral Blog Listening Portfolio' you are required to
post an entry on one of the Diploma lectures from this semester's series
  • In this entry you can choose which lecture to write about from weeks three, four and five.
  • Your blog entry should be published and submitted by Thursday 5th April.
  • If you complete your first draft in the Call session publish it on your blog and then print a copy of your entry from your blog and give it to your teacher. Your teacher will check your post for errors and return it to you so that you can edit and correct as many errors as you can before Thursday.
  • You should write a minimum of 125 words and a maximum of 175.
  • Include any questions which you had at the beginning of the lecture and which were answered during the lecture. Also include any questions you still have about anything you did not understand in the lecture
  • Include in your post any links to relevant web sites, articles in newspapers and magazines conected to the topic of the lecture.

1 comment:

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I cannot make it to class, as I have eaten too much chicken. I feel sick, and will not attend today.

Speedcat Hollydale